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TVST's position The Surreal vs MB feud

As it seems like part of the cause for this feud was the discussions we had with Surreal about a possible merge, I found it proper to publicly announce our official position in this feud, as it has been adopted by the majority of our members.

TVST takes no side

However, we are thankful for the positive attitude of Marx Brothers towards us, as stated in their blog-, and we are highly honored to be the clan they appreciate most in Power Soccer. But, as the conflict is strictly one between them and Surreal(with the later's Anti-MB fans), we don't see any reason for which we should intervene.


sipwell said...

Neutrality is probably the safest bet if you want to keep Surreal close too. Then again: what is Surreal anything different from zero?

We respect TVST for what it is and we don't expect them to take sides, quite the contrary to what Surreal is demanding...